The program contains counseling templates in Microsoft Word and Lotus Forms Viewer that are pre-formatted and fully editable. The software also contains other guidance such as references and examples that pertain to each subject. The integrated counseling tracker database and notepad help you make tracking daily events and counseling history easier. Counsel Quick is updated regularly and owners of the software receive free updates over the internet.
- Improved Navigation Interface
- The new interface makes navigating your way around the program much
- The new interface makes navigating your way around the program much
- Ability to Update
- Counsel Quick can check itself for updates and will download and install them.
- This is very useful in the event of regulation and form changes.
- Counseling Tracker
- This section allows the user to keep a database of individual Soldiers and their current counseling status.
- This helps the counselor to keep track of counseling dates and individualized notes on each soldier they counsel.
- The user can also print out a report that will display the dates for the soldiers Reception, Initial, and Last Performance counseling’s.
- My Notes Section
- This allows the user to keep a daily journal of events. This makes it easier for the counselor to recall events that happened earlier in the month when preparing monthly performance counseling’s.
- User can enter anything they want in this section such as soldier data or regulation snippets.
- Army Regulations, Field Manuals, and UCMJ
- The Reference section contains all of the Army Regulations, Field Manuals, and UCMJ Manuals for Courts Martial referred to in the counseling templates.
- This enable the counselor to quickly verify that the pertinent regulations and procedures are being followed and provides a quick resource to lookup Army policies and procedures
Subjects Covered
Counsel Quick Volume 1
- Borderline APFT prior to NCOES
- Borderline Overweight Prior to NCOES
- Borderline Overweight Unit Weigh In
- Diagnostic APFT Failure
- Excess Leave
- Extended Travel Pass
- Failure to Report
- Family Care Plan (Initial)
- Family Care Plan (Invalid)
- Family Care Plan (Valid)
- Fully Eligible Not Recommended for Promotion (SGT/SSG)
- Indebtedness
- Initial Counseling NCO
- Initial Counseling PVT-SPC
- Initial Overweight Counseling
- Monthly Performance Counseling PVT-SPC
- Quarterly Performance Counseling NCO
- Monthly Overweight (Satisfactory)
- Monthly Overweight (Unsatisfactory)
- Warrior Leaders Course Counseling
- Pregnancy Counseling
- Pregnancy Election Statement
- Promotion Counseling
- Reception and Integration
- Record APFT Failure
- Request for Tuition Assistance
- Safety Counseling
- Standard Derogatory (Magic Statement)
- Fully Eligible / Not Recommended for Promotion
Counsel Quick Volume 2
- 3-4 Day Pass Business Card
- AWOL Letter Home
- AWOL Point Paper
- Cease Contact Order
- Domestic Violence
- Failure to Conduct Risk Assessment
- Government Travel Card (Initial Counseling)
- Government Travel Card (Misuse of)
- GT Improvement
- Improper or Inappropriate Relationship
- Indebtedness
- Initiate or Transfer Flag
- Job Well Done Counseling
- Leave Request
- Leave Safety Pledge
- Letter Home Counseling
- Letter Home Example
- Lift Flag Action
- Marriage Counseling
- Monthly Performance Counseling
- Off Duty Employment Approved
- Off Duty Employment Disapproved
- Protective Order
- Under Age Drinking
Counsel Quick Volume 3
- Bar to Reenlistment
- Corrective Training
- Disapproval of Good Conduct Medal
- Disrespect
- Drunk on Duty
- Emergency Leave
- Failure to Utilize Chain of Command
- Hazing
- Late for Appointment
- Letters of Reprimand
- Loss of ID Card
- Loss of ID Tags
- Loss or Damage to Govt. Property
- Missed Appointments
- Motorcycle Safety
- Negligent Weapons Discharge
- Off Limit Areas/Establishments
- Overweight Appearance
- Redeployment Safety Briefing
- Special Leave Accrual
- Substance Abuse
- Under Minimum Weight Standards
- Weight Control
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System Requirements
- Internet connection and administrator privileges required for installation and updates
- Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 (32-bit and 64-bit)
- Mac OS not supported
- Ram: 256MB
- Processor: Pentium IV or Higher
- Additional Software Required: Adobe™ Reader v.4.0, Microsoft® Word 97 or later