Can I have your software for free?
Unfortunately we can not give our software out for free. While one of our primary goals is to continue to help service members by providing them resources and tools that allow them to work more efficiently, we can not accomplish this without the revenue from products like Counsel Quick. Programming hours aren’t free, customer service reps aren’t free, sales staff aren’t free, web development and hosting isn’t free, etc.
That being said, we do offer a number of free resources. Visit the ACO Learning Center section of this website to view what we have available. If you have a specific counseling question and you can’t seem to find a straight answer, consider submitting it to the subject matter experts at–a service that can be thought of as “Dear Abby” for Army leaders. There is also a message board on that site where you can discuss counseling issues with your fellow leaders.
If you do find a way to obtain a free copy of our software please know that using it without a valid license is piracy, a breach of your personal integrity, and in the end it is hurting us (real, breathing people); making us less capable of updating the software and reducing our ability to continue to develop new tools for you.